Besan Atta

Health Benefits of Besan

  1. Lowers diabetes-Besan is known to have very low levels of glycemic in it, which is great for those who have high diabetes. One can use the flour to make parathas and rotis, or replace the wheat flour to make desired dishes too.
  2. Happy heart-Besan assures you with a happy heart, since it has high soluble fibre in it, which helps the heart stay strong and healthy for a very long time to come. Even the most reputed heart surgeons and specialists recommend the use of besan over any other flour for the heart, say experts.
  3. Lose weight now-Since besan has low glycemic index, the calorie count would be low too, which is why fitness freaks and experts swear by the consumption of besan, smoothie of besan is known as SATTU in India.
  4. Fights allergies-Besan doesn’t have gluten in it, which is grain and especially wonderful for those who have allergies to gluten induced foods. Besan flour is highly nutritious and helps the body with immense benefits, especially when fighting allergies of any kinds.
  5. Gluten free-Those who suffer from celiac ailments cannot have gluten, which is a protein. Gluten is found in barley and wheat extensively, but not in besan. Besan helps the immune system stay strong in the process, and the patient would be able to absorb all the nutrients as well as stay well nourished too.
  6. No more anaemia to worry of-The flour of besan helps with fatigue, weight loss and even iron deficiency in the body, and we all know when someone has low iron content in the body, they suffer from anaemia.
  7. Besan is also good for those who suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, autoimmune disorders, sclerosis, autism, ADHD and more.
  8. One can use besan for the skin with a pinch of turmeric powder and milk. The paste can be applied on the visible parts of the face and neck and left for ten minutes to dry. This is a pack which would help exfoliate the skin and brings back the moisturising effects too. Besan flour helps tighten the skin, gives it a glow and brings back elasticity too.
  9. As a body scrub, the flour of besan has been used time again since our grandmother’s young hood days. To remove spots, back acne, body marks and oiliness of the body, try using the flour as a pack with milk and turmeric twice a week. This is a pack which would remove the tan and keep the skin healthy and fresh.